Barrington wells are running dry — and there's little relief in sight
'[It's] one of the driest places in Atlantic Canada,' says Barrington CAO

The latest weather forecasts don't look good for people in southwest Nova Scotia whose wells are running dry.
According to the 30-year climate normals from Baccaro Point, the area usually receives about 268 millimetres of rain in June, July and August. However, Barrington has only received about 71 millimetres over the same period this year — about a quarter of what it usually gets.
And with only trace amounts to a few millimetres of rain Friday and a sunny and dry weekend, there won't be a thorough soaking for at least another week, perhaps longer, according to forecasts.
The Municipality of the District of Barrington's CAO, Rob Frost, says a continuing dry spell may become a serious problem if there isn't a large amount of rain soon.
"[It's] one of the driest places in Atlantic Canada," Frost said.
Many wells running dry
Doug Newell's well in Barrington ran dry a week ago and he's had to buy bottled water to drink.
"It adds up but we've got to do what we've got to do, I guess," he said. "To shower I have to go to different friends and stuff that have water and shower there."
Newell says many of his friends and neighbours are in the same predicament he is.
All residents, and the municipality itself are on wells, meaning there is no freshwater backup supply in times of drought.
The immediate concern is that some people are not able to afford to buy bottled water.
Frost says the municipality is making showers available and is trying to bring bottled water in for those most vulnerable in the community.
He asks people to check on friends and neighbours to make sure their necessities are met.