Burnside Expressway hits another bump in the road
$52M highway delayed over land purchase

CBC News has learned the long promised "Burnside Expressway" to connect the suburban communities to Dartmouth has been delayed yet again as negotiations drag on between the Nova Scotia government and a large landowner.
"There has been a delay that will push out the completion date, to what point we're not sure yet," says acting Transportation Minister Dave Wilson.
The five kilometre highway was supposed by completed by the end of 2014 at a cost of $52-million. Instead the Province is now examining alternate routing over land owned by Dexter Construction.
"We want to minimize impact on their operations. So that's why we're talking now to see if there can be some adjustment made to come to an agreement on the position of the expressway through their property," Wilson tells CBC News.
Dexter Construction did not respond to a request for an interview on the Expressway.
Routing is not the only snag in the negotiations.
"Price is an issue with this project but both sides want to see this expressway built," says Wilson.
The Highway was first announced in January 1992 by a Conservative government. Subsequent administrations have allowed the project to sit on a shelf.
Dave Wilson — an MLA who represents the suburban community of Sackville — says the NDP government remains committed to the project, which is on its 5 year Highway Construction List. Brush clearing and some road bed construction will begin in coming months.