Cash cow: Cape Breton family auctions Holstein heifer to support Ukrainians
'I mean she's a good heifer in her own right but this made her a little more special'

As many Nova Scotians look for ways to support Ukrainians, a Cape Breton family has taken a unique approach.
The Wilson family owns and operates the dairy farm Wilsonburg Holsteins in Skye Glen, N.S.
The family was preparing to auction a Holstein heifer named Dallybrook when they realized it could be a cash cow for someone other than themselves.
"I think my dad's words were, 'They could use the money more than we could,'" said Bridget Wilson, referring to Ukrainians suffering during the Russian invasion.
Wilson works full time on the farm with her parents, Peter and Janine Wilson. She said her family was disturbed by images coming out of Ukraine, especially those of women and children injured during the bombing of a hospital.
"I know that times are tough for everybody right now but [the war] makes you think about what you value in your own life and how you could help other people."

The family donated money raised from auctioning Dallybrook to the Red Cross. When word got out that the money would be going to relief efforts, Wilson said support started to roll in from the farming community.
"People really thought it was a good idea and were keen to share pictures of the heifer and promote the sale and encourage people to bid on this heifer."

The auction raised $3,300. The sales committee also waived the auction fees so that more of the money would go to the Red Cross.
Wilson said the average Holstein heifer would get about $1,500 at an auction but the enthusiasm from the bidders as well as Dallybrook's prolific milk production led to the price she got.
"I mean she's a good heifer in her own right but this made her a little more special," said Wilson.
Wilson said Dallybrook is going to a good home. She was purchased by three farmers in Ontario who live on neighbouring farms and call themselves the three amigos.