Cape Breton police to set up impaired-driving checks all December
Police vow to crack down on drivers impaired by alcohol or drugs

Cape Breton Regional Police will join members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving on Saturday to launch a series of holiday checkpoints throughout the regional municipality.
Staff Sgt. Ken O'Neill said police will be looking for any signs of impairment. "It's not just the alcohol that we see. We're concerned about people on drugs and the impairment overall."
O'Neill said officers trained to recognize drug impairment will be part of the checkpoints.
O'Neill said the checkpoints will be set up at various locations. "Last year, we initiated 2,000 to 3,000 vehicle stops," he said. "We will be continuing with that volume of vehicle stops throughout the holiday season."
O'Neill won't say where the checkpoints are going to be. "But I can tell you we will be out daytime and nighttime hours."
Last December's checkpoints netted more than 50 impaired driving charges, O'Neill said.