RCMP release photos of clothing in hopes of identifying body found on beach
Body was discovered in Digby County in September

The Digby County RCMP have released images of a man's clothing in hopes the public can help identify human remains found on a beach in September.
The body was discovered in the small community of Sandy Cove shortly after 9 a.m. on Sept. 8, according to an RCMP news release.
The release said the RCMP worked with the Nova Scotia Medical Examiner Service and have since identified the remains as male.
On Monday, police released a photo of Urban Heritage bootcut jeans and a size 9 Terra boot.

"The RCMP is releasing photos of the man's clothing with the hope that someone may recognize them," said the release.
The release said the circumstances that led to the man's death have yet been determined and the case has been recently added to Canada's Missing website.
It said the investigation is ongoing.
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Digby County RCMP or Crime Stoppers.