Overdue repair work finally begins on south-end Halifax bridges
Bridges are structurally sound but need significant upgrades

Repairs on railway bridges in south-end Halifax are finally beginning, nine years after a cost-sharing dispute between the city and CN Rail shelved the work.
Construction on the Oakland Road span is now underway. It is one of six bridges hit with weight restrictions eight years ago while the dispute played out in court. Most traffic could still go over the bridges, but heavy vehicles like some tractor-trailers could not.
"We have budgeted, for this fiscal year, $300,000 plus HST for this project," city spokesman Brendan Elliott said of the Oakland Road project. CN is carrying out the repairs and billing Halifax for its portion.
The city and CN have an agreement that covers 12 railway bridges throughout the municipality. They are arched structures and many are close to 100 years old. They are considered structurally sound but need significant maintenance work.
Court loss
Halifax had interpreted its responsibility as only for the surface of the road over the bridge and the fill immediately below the paving.
But in 2014, a court decision found the city is responsible for the pavement and sub-surface section of the bridge, right down to the concrete arch.

"The courts ruled that we would be responsible for covering the costs of all the fill within the bridge structure," Elliott said. "The pavement, the sidewalks and ensuring all the power lines and utilities are out of the way while the work is done."
Traffic disruptions
While CN Rail is in charge of the work, the railway will be consulting with the municipality on the timing of each project. Maintenance the Quinpool Road railway bridge undergoes will have a significant impact on traffic.
The 12 railway spans in Halifax covered by the maintenance agreement are:
- Young Avenue, Tower Road, Quinpool Road, South Street, Coburg Road, Marlborough Woods, Belmont on the Arm, Jubilee Road, Oakland Road, Prince Arthur Street, Mumford Road and Chebucto Road.