Commissionaires may be affected in 'deep' DND cuts

The Royal Canadian Navy is considering making "deep" cuts to security to deal with budget cuts, according to an internal memo obtained by CBC News.
"Exactly where and what positions will be affected has not been decided, however preliminary meetings indicate the cuts will be deep," said the note, signed by a site manager with the Department of National Defence.
"The base commander has advised units that a reduction to discretionary funding was to be made and that as a result, some units' security posture would be impacted."
The note said no decisions have been made on the cuts, which are expected to happen next month.
A spokesman with the Department of National Defence confirmed security arrangements at CFB Halifax are being reviewed.
The commissionaires who currently control access to dockyard gates and buildings may be a target in the cuts, according to a statement.
"As part of this physical security review, a number of options are being explored," Lt. Peter Ryan, a spokesman for the Department of National Defence, said in an email to CBC News.
"A possible reduction in reliance on the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires to provide certain aspects of physical security is one of them."
Ryan said the military is consulting various stakeholders in the coming weeks and looking into the possibility of military personnel taking over some security responsibilities.
The internal note warned budgets are "constantly changing."
"While the base commander may not have resources to keep all of the sites viable, the specific units that are impacted by the proposed reductions may step up and pay directly for the commissionaire service at their site," it said.