Community paints its own, mostly straight, crosswalk
Homemade crosswalk working, in same spot as previous crosswalk

People who live along the Waverley Road in Dartmouth have taken community safety into their own hands and painted their own crosswalk where a previous crosswalk had been, evidently without using a ruler.
Tony Mancini lives on the corner of Applewood Lane and Waverley Road and said the lines aren't quite straight.
"If you look at the crosswalks, they're not the straightest, which indicates some of the neighbours have decided on their own to put them back," he said.
In September three crosswalks across the busy Waverley Road were eliminated after traffic officials reassessed them, even though they had been there for up to 20 years and one was near a pick-up and drop off spot for school buses.
Local homeowners called the city but couldn't convince anyone to reinstate the crossings, so recently some of them lost their patience.
Mancini said though the crosswalk may not be official-looking, it's still doing the job.
"When they removed the crosswalks, cars weren't stopping and now that the crosswalks are back — even though they are not of the official nature — cars are noticing and they're stopping and allowing our youth to cross the road," he said.
Homeowners aren't the only ones who disagree with the traffic officials, at least two Dartmouth councillors say crosswalks people have used for years should not be taken away.
The crosswalk in question is one of nine removed throughout the Halifax Regional Municipality this year:
- Lower Water Street at Historic Properties
- Pine Street and Rose Street
- Portland Street at Rodney Road
- Prince Albert Road at the Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club
- Spring Avenue at Ellenvale Avenue
- Spring Avenue at Pembroke Court/Clysdale Drive
- Waverley Road at Applewood Lane
- Waverley Road at Garden Court
- Waverley Road at Rocklin Drive