Nova Scotia Community

We Want to Hear Your East Coast Friendship Stories

CBC recently shared two stories of friendship from Sydney, Nova Scotia. Now, we're looking fo moer.

Share your stories of unexpected or unlikely friendships for an upcoming CBC series

Falynn Roberts (9) of Westmount, left, and Cape Breton University student Gurbinder Kaur from India at the Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church in Whitney Pier. Falynn has Ukrainian roots in Whitney Pier. (Steve Wadden for CBC)

In "Finding Friendship" we met two sets of friends living in Sydney, Cape Breton. At first glance you may not think they have much in common. But there's more to friendship than meets the eye. 

We want to hear your East Coast friendship stories. Tell us about a unique, unusual or happenstance connection made in a new place. That could be a new neighbourhood, city or maybe you made fast friends at a coffee shop you've never been to before. We'll share these stories of friendship in a continuing series throughout the year. 

Get in touch with or reach out to @CBC_EastCoast on Instagram