What is love, anyway?
Artist Jon Claytor sends Cupid on mission to solve one of life's great mysteries

When I was asked to draw something for Valentine's Day, I started to imagine a grizzled, world-weary cupid, disillusioned with the same mission, year-after-year: shooting arrows to spark romantic love.
I imagined Cupid as a Detective Columbo type, searching for answers to that enduring mystery — what exactly is love, anyway?
Is it strictly the domain of lovers? Or maybe there's another side of it.

Cash might not be able to explain in words what love is, but maybe the answer lies in the trust, care, compassion, support and admiration Shelly and Cash have for each other.

In his passion for running, Jarvis has found community, health, fulfillment. Sharing the joy is clearly a big part of the passion he feels.

Murphy's burlesque performances are sexy, athletic, humorous, provocative, flirtatious and above all, joyful! Thankfully, it's a joy he loves to share.

Carina and her flowers reminded me that life is short, but not lacking in moments of beauty that we need to celebrate.

Wherever your search for love takes you, I think we can all agree with Cupid that there is love in passion, beauty and joy.
Love is, after all, one of the great enduring mysteries of life.
Happy Valentine's Day!