Dalhousie University forum discusses Facebook scandal recommendations
Members of the Dalhousie University community are gathering Tuesday to discuss what has been done to address rape culture, misogyny and other forms of discrimination on campus in the wake of last winter's Facebook scandal at the dentistry school.
Student union says it will look at the 39 recommendations made in the wake of Facebook scandal

Members of the Dalhousie University community are gathering Tuesday to discuss what has been done to address rape culture, misogyny and other forms of discrimination on campus in the wake of last winter's Facebook scandal at the dentistry school.
Called Backhouse and Beyond, the forum is hosted by the university's gender and women's studies program and the Dalhousie Student Union.
In a release, the student union says it will look at the 39 recommendations from the report by Ottawa professor Constance Backhouse.
The CBC's Lisa Blackburn is live blogging from the forum at the McInnes Room in the Dalhousie Student Union Building.