Dalhousie offer would let last dentistry scandal student back to clinic
Ryan Millet must first admit to 'professional misconduct' — a charge he's denied

Dalhousie University says the last suspended member of the misogynistic Facebook group connected to the dentistry school can return to clinic, but he must first say he's guilty of professional misconduct, according to his lawyer.
Ryan Millet showed the Facebook page to one of the women targeted in posts to the Class of DDS 2015 Gentlemen group.
Millet and 12 other male students were suspended from clinic duties. On Monday, the Halifax university said 12 male students had returned to clinic duties.
Millet remained suspended because he declined to take part in the restorative justice program. To join the process, he had to first acknowledge he was part of "blatant unprofessionalism," his lawyer said. Millet denies that accusation.
But on Friday, Dalhousie said the last student — Millet — could return to clinic.
Bruce T. MacIntosh, Millet's lawyer, said his client received a copy of the ruling on Friday. It "continues to find him guilty of professional misconduct related to issues of sexism, misogyny and homophobia," MacIntosh wrote in an email to journalists.
The university would lift his two-month-old suspension if he said he was guilty, MacIntosh said, and he can't graduate until that happens.
"Ryan has not yet had a chance to digest the implications of this ruling. He must now consider his legal options. Any exercise of legal options of appeal will almost inevitably lead to the loss of his academic year," his lawyer wrote.
Millet considering response
Dalhousie said the academic standards class committee evaluated each of the men’s individual cases.
"The ASCC has carefully considered whether a conditional return to clinic for the 13 members of the Facebook group would create any risk to students, staff and the public," the university said in a news release on Friday.
"Today, the ASCC has determined that the 13th member of the Facebook group may also return to clinic under a number of conditions, specific to his circumstances."
Dalhousie did not expand on those conditions.
MacIntosh said Millet joined the group several years ago and his only active involvement was to like one photo.
MacIntosh said he will speak with his client and consider their response over the weekend.