Dead whale on popular Cape Breton beach to be removed after several months
The Department of Lands and Forestry aims to have whale removed this week

A dead baleen whale that washed ashore late last fall in Dominion, Cape Breton will be removed later this week.
The whale was first reported on Dominion Beach in November of 2019 and the carcass was left to sit on the beach during the winter to let natural decomposition occur.
Paul Koziel, area manager for Cape Breton County with the Department of Lands and Forestry, said the deceased whale washed ashore after a major fall storm.
"Whenever possible we prefer to let natural processes occur such as decomposition and scavenging," he said, noting the smell was "less offensive" in the winter. "Considering at that time that the park was closed, we decided to let natural processes occur until the spring."
Once the province announced that beaches would once again be reopened to the public, Koziel said Lands and Forestry determined the whale should be removed from the area.
"Considering the park opened on Saturday, we have a contractor in place that will hopefully be removing the carcass this week," he said.
Koziel also said the whale was already decomposed before it washed ashore and its cause of death is unknown.