CBC volunteer group gardening for Bayers Westwood Family Resources Centre
This month's Do Crew event is perfect for those who want to work outdoors in a garden

UPDATE: This month's Do Crew event is full for volunteers
CBC's Do Crew will be doing some fall gardening at the Bayers Westwood Family Resources Centre next week.
We'll be weeding, planting garlic and mulching at the centre's Hugs Community Garden. So if gardening is your thing, or you want to learn, this is the Do Crew for you.
The Bayers Westwood Family Resources Centre is a secure, supportive learning place for community members. It offers parenting support, community gardens, a youth group, free skill training and free preschool education, among other things. It's a busy, friendly, bustling place where community members work together.
This month's Do Crew event is perfect for those who want to work outdoors in a garden, no experience necessary.
If you are interested in being part of this month's Do Crew, here is what you need to know:
WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (rain date: Oct. 26)
WHO: 12 volunteers
WHAT: Planting garlic, mulching, weeding
WHERE: Bayers Westwood Family Resource Centre Hugs Garden
You'll need good footwear, sunscreen and/or a hat (depending on the weather), and gardening gloves if you have them.
Since January, the Do Crew has contributed 438 hours to several organizations in the Halifax area.
To volunteer or to get more information, email docrewns@cbc.ca