Majority of power restored to Cape Breton customers
Property owners may have to make repairs before electricty comes back

Nova Scotia Power says the majority of people who lost power after floodwaters and wind ripped through Cape Breton and eastern Nova Scotia now have their electricity restored.
Upwards of 175,000 customers lost their power after the storm hit on Monday. As of 10 a.m. Thursday there were only 751 customers in Cape Breton Regional Municipality without electricity. All told, slightly fewer than 2,000 homes and businesses were still without power across Nova Scotia.
The Emergency Management Office said that 130 power crews were working through the night. In a public statement today, the office said it is monitoring the weather and doesn't believe Hurricane Nicole, which is threatening Bermuda, will impact the municipality.
Nova Scotia Power estimates that the majority of customers throughout the province will have their electricity restored Thursday evening. All remaining customers should have power back by 11 a.m. Friday.
Some customers may also need to make repairs to their properties before power can be restored, said the utility.

It's a homeowner's responsibility to make sure the service mast on their home and electric meter base are working.
The service mast is a long tube on the side of a home that connects to a power line. The meter base is what the home's electric meter is attached to.
Both must be working for electricity to flow back into a home.
If customers are having trouble with their power being restored they should contact Nova Scotia Power at 1-877-428-6004.
VIDEO: It wasn't just the truck. <a href=""></a>