Erik the Red, missing CSS Acadia cat, found safe
16-year-old orange tabby patrols CSS Acadia

The beloved feline mascot of the CSS Acadia has been found safe after disappearing Sunday from the home he was staying at in north-end Halifax.
Erik the Red, a 16-year-old orange tabby cat, was found Tuesday night by someone in the neighbourhood who returned him to his caretaker, Steve Reid.
Reid was concerned for the cat's well-being because he's more than 16 years old, requires a specialized diet and medication.
"If he had been out there a few more days, he could have gotten really sick," said Reid.

"It was really, really sweet. Someone paid attention to the news and was very, very thoughtful and got in touch with us and delivered him back to our care."
Reid says he's thankful to everyone who was out looking for Erik the Red.
He said the cat will be checked out by a vet Wednesday to make sure everything is OK.
Erik the Red is a "Rodent Control Officer" that patrols retired hydrographic survey vessel CSS Acadia.
Since the vessel arrived at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic's wharf in 1981, there have been four ship's cats, according the the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic's website.