Family angered after pet dog killed in hunter’s trap

A family in Lunenburg County, N.S., is calling for hunters to be more cautious with their equipment after their dog was killed in a neighbour’s trap.
Until last week, Cory Cook owned two dogs.
Now he and his family are grieving after Parker, a beagle that has been part of the family for nine years, was caught in a steel conibear trap.
'They asked me twice for the trap, never asked about what I had under my arm, which was my dead dog.' —Cory Cook
Cook said he let both his dogs out Thursday evening, but when he called them to come back they didn't return. He wasn't able to find them that night. On Friday morning, his female dog Izzy returned without Parker.
"I eventually found him caught in a trap, 140 yards from our house," he said.
The dog’s neck was broken. He died almost instantly.
"Somebody confronted me when I was bringing my dog across the property and all they wanted was their trap back. I took the trap with me. They asked me twice for the trap, never asked about what I had under my arm, which was my dead dog. Didn't have no concern about the dog," said Cook.
Nova Scotia's hunting regulations state that traps or snares may not be placed within 274 metres of a home.
"Natural Resources took a GPS co-ordinate, and it was 140 yards from our front step," Cook said.
Cook, a hunter himself, said he is angered the trapper didn't follow the rules.
"Disregard for the law, and carelessness. I don’t think it’s an accident. People that do this know what they're doing. When you go hunting and trapping and fishing, you know what you're doing," said Cook.
The Department of Natural Resources confirmed a conservation officer is investigating the case.
Once all the evidence is gathered, officers will consult with the local Crown attorney's office to see if there will be any charges