Fireball in skies over Nova Scotia lights up social media
Numerous people reported seeing bright light on Thursday night

A meteor was likely behind numerous reports of a bright light in the skies over Nova Scotia Thursday night.
Numerous people reported on social media seeing it just before 10 p.m.
Think we just spotted a <a href="">#meteor</a> breaking up in the sky over Chester,NS. Looked like a fireball! <a href="">#novascotia</a> <a href="">@CBCNS</a>
It was probably a very bright meteor hundreds of kilometres away, said Dave Lane, director of the Saint Mary's University observatory.
"I've only seen one of these things in my lifetime that was bright enough to be spectacular," Lane said, adding he didn't witness the meteor last night.
Saw a meteor burn up as I sat in my living room this evening. <a href="">#easternpassage</a> <a href="">#halifax</a> <a href="">#meteor</a> <a href="">#novascotia</a>
He says fireballs aren't rare astronomical phenomenon, but they aren't always spotted.
"When people see these things they become really excited, like 'Wow,'" he says.
People hoping to find a piece of meteorite today will probably be out of luck.
"Don't go out looking in your backyard for this thing, it's simply not going to be a productive exercise."
Lane says if the meteor did produce a rock it is more likely in the ocean, somewhere east of Nova Scotia.