Halifax-area crosswalks targeted in safety blitz
Police officers to be stationed at six intersections in HRM

Police officers will be stationed at six intersections in the Halifax Regional Municipality for the next three months to raise awareness about crosswalk safety.
Halifax Regional Police said they chose the intersections based on the frequency of collisions involving pedestrians and vehicles.
"We had our computer people do a search and they went back six years in the information, the data. There are six intersections which we isolated as being the worst, not necessarily by fatality but more frequent accidents occurring with pedestrians being involved," said Const. Raymond Quesnel, a member of the traffic unit.
Officers with the traffic unit will be at the top intersections where pedestrians have been struck:
- Forest Hills Parkway and Cole Harbour Road.
- Joseph Howe Drive and Scot Street.
- Sackville Drive and Beaver Bank Road.
- South Park Street and South Street.
- Spring Garden Road and Robie Street.
- Spring Garden Road and South Park Street.
Quesnel said each of the intersections had at least seven serious injuries involving pedestrians over the last six years.
"Distracted drivers and pedestrians are absolutely a contributing factor to these incidences, that's for sure," he said.
Police said officers will focus on education and provide tips and suggestions if they witness any situations that could be improved with safety.
"As the officer is parked near these intersections and observing, he's going to act on those and educate the motorist or the pedestrian, provide a pamphlet so that the education side is there," said Quesnel.
"If there's a serious infraction where a pedestrian is possibly injured or where there is a close call, there may be a ticket issued."