Halifax-area rinks slated for closure could be spared
Losing rinks at Dalhousie and Shannon Park prompt re-evaluation of which rinks should shut down

Halifax officials say the four-pad arena in Dartmouth will be finished on time and a decision to close four older rinks is being re-evaluated.
Councillors in Dartmouth and Bedford raised the issue with staff after members of the public inquired about the facilities.
Coun. Tony Mancini, who represents Harbourview-Burnside-Dartmouth East, said he and Coun. Tim Outhit, who represents Bedford, have been fielding many questions from constituents.
Brad Anguish, director of parks and recreation for the municipality, said the new rink is under construction on Commodore Drive in Burnside and will open in the fall.
Council will get new report in spring
Anguish told council that recreation officials are still gathering information about the amount of ice time needed by all rink users.
He said the decision to close several other arenas (Devonshire in Halifax, LeBrun in Bedford, and the Gray and the Bowles in Dartmouth) was done before Dalhousie University demolished its rink and the Department of Defence closed its Shannon Park facility.
That changed the available ice time in the municipality, so staff could recommend council keep one or more of those facilities open.
"The reality is we haven't closed anything. They're open now so there's options," said Anguish.
A report on the rinks is expected in April or May, at which point council can debate which facilities should be closed or kept open.