Halifax-based naval officer charged with 3 counts of sexual assault
Incidents allegedly happened in or off the coasts of Croatia and Greece in fall 2017

A female member of the Canadian navy faces charges of sexual assault and assault against two people, allegations linked to their time serving on the Canadian Patrol Frigate HMCS Charlottetown in the Mediterranean.
The Canadian Forces National Investigation Service said in a news release Wednesday that it received a complaint from a third party aboard the ship who reported receiving complaints about the behaviour of a woman with the rank of sub-lieutenant. In its news release, the military said the allegations involved inappropriate touching.
The accused faces three counts under the Criminal Code of sexual assault and one of assault, and three counts of behaving in a disgraceful manner contrary to the National Defence Act. The charges relate to two other crew aboard HMCS Charlottetown.
The investigation service won't release the gender of the two alleged victims.
The alleged incidents happened in or off the coasts of Croatia and Greece between October and December in 2017.
A decision has not yet been made on when or where this case might proceed to court martial, but HMCS Charlottetown and its crew are based in Halifax.