Halifax to fund research into Bayers Lake 'mystery walls'
Regional council voted to spend $5,475 to study walls with flat rocks sitting over Bayers Lake

The so-called Bayers Lake mystery walls in Halifax's Bayers Lake Business Park may not stay mysterious for much longer.
Regional council voted Tuesday to fund the Nova Scotia Archeology Society with $5,475 to research the site.
Society president Jonathan Fowler told CBC News in an email that the group is pleased about the funding, but declined to comment further until the society can meet.
Mystery lovers rejoice
Jordan Bonaparte, host and creator of the Night Time Podcast — a show that investigates Atlantic Canada mysteries, said he "couldn't be more excited" about council's decision.
"For all the mystery lovers in Nova Scotia, Atlantic Canada, Canada or the world, this is great news," said Bonaparte. "It's a wonderful mystery, a wonderful place and the fact that it's getting attention and some money and could possibly shed some light on what's actually going on there is to me a wonderful thing."
The walls have been covered on Night Time Podcast and that episode has been listened to more than 100,000 times, Bonaparte said.
Wall theories
The builders of the walls are unknown, but there have been a number of suggestions over the years.
Bonaparte said some people believe the walls may have been used for military purposes since they're on top of a hill, where you can get a wide view of the surrounding area.
Some of the more wild theories, Bonaparte said, are that the walls predate Canada. He said other theories connect the walls with the Oak Island mystery.
"I haven't seen any compelling reason why that would be. Hopefully, this research will give a better indication of its age," he said.
Spring 2017 start date
"What attracts me and so many others to the site is the fact there is a mystery like this sitting in a main site ... it shows you that there are still mysteries out there, some of them sitting in plain sight."
Funding for the walls research will help analyze soil composition with a portable X-ray fluorescent system, instead of excavation.
Fowler said work is expected to begin in spring 2017.
The walls were found in the 1980s because of some nearby development. The site is protected under Nova Scotia's Special Places Protection Act.