Halifax Forum rally draws hundreds to save venue
City council could vote to close facility later this month

About 500 people discussed the future of the Halifax Forum at a public meeting Wednesday evening.
Many want to save the old arena complex. It could be torn down to make space to build a new four-pad ice facility.
The Forum was built in 1927 and the city is looking at building a new four-pad ice surface down the road at CFB Halifax. It’s part of the plan to replace aging arenas.
Sheila Fourgere is a former HRM councillor who lives near the Forum.
"HRM already invested money in improving this facility. A huge amount of money was invested for the Canada Games; let's not waste public money,” she said.
If the four-pad proposal is approved, the Forum and the attached Civic Arena, which was built 19 years ago, would be torn down.
Three-pad surface?
Shirley McLaughlin backs another proposal that would expand and refurbish the Forum complex into a three-pad ice surface with lots of additional facilities that could be used by the community.
"I like the idea of the alternative of making it a civic complex with multi-purpose room. We need that here," she said.
At least five councillors, including Jennifer Watts, want to see that Forum proposal move forward.
"You may forget what this Forum actually means to this community and as we see a lot of development, we need to hang on to the things that make us who we are in the north end, which is the historic Forum," she said.
Watts is urging Forum supporters to contact city hall to voice their concern. Halifax council will vote on the future of the Forum on July 27.