Halifax Needs robbed, teen stabbed and SUV set afire
Three men arrested in three separate incidents

Halifax police dealt with arson, robbery and fighting in three separate incidents Monday evening.
The first problem, arson, happened at 6:45 p.m. when reports came in of a man setting fire to a portable toilet, a white SUV, a carport and a tour bus on Hollis Street and Victoria Road. The vehicle and toilet were destroyed.
Police arrested a 45-year-old man in the area and he will appear in court to answer charges on Tuesday.
The second problem, robbery, happened at 10 p.m. when a man reportedly used a knife to rob a Needs on Chebucto Road. Police stopped a 45-year-old man as he left the store. He held the knife and didn't follow police instructions, so officers stunned him and arrested him.
The third problem, fighting, happened shortly before midnight on Prince Albert Road in Dartmouth. Police say two teenagers were involved. The victim, an 18-year-old, didn't realize he'd been stabbed until 20 minutes later. He went to police, but by then they'd already arrested the suspect for a breach of the peace.
The 18-year-old went to hospital with stab wounds and a 17-year-old faces more charges.