Not crumby at all. 222 toasters ordered by mistake snapped up in a day, many for charity
'It really worked out fantastic'

As mistakes go, this one turned out pretty well.
Betty Swaffer was pleasantly surprised when 222 toasters she ordered accidentally for her PharmaChoice location in Dartmouth, N.S., sold in one day.
She was even more surprised when people began buying the toasters in bulk to donate to charity.
"A lot of people bought to donate to shelters and school programs and to the less fortunate, so it really worked out fantastic," she told CBC Radio's Maritime Noon Monday.
Divine Dishes, which is nearby, purchased 12 to give to Margaret's House in downtown Dartmouth and some shelters.
A police officer also planned to donate the 10 toasters he purchased.
"There's a shelter for women in Dartmouth and five of the ladies are moving on to their own place in September, to their new homes, and they are all getting a toaster," Swaffer said.
Even after the toasters were gone, people came to the store to ask if there were any left.
Swaffer, who meant to order two toasters, said she'll never order another, but she's happy these went to people who need them.
With files from CBC Radio's Maritime Noon