Highway 118 potholes an 'accident waiting to happen'
Bridge near exit 13 to be repaired Friday

The department of transportation says it will fix some of the pothole problems on the Highway 118 after a man from Oakfield told officials it’s an accident waiting to happen.
The bridge that dips down near exit 13 is filled with potholes. It’s a busy stretch of the road just outside Dartmouth that is passed by commuters on a daily basis.

There are several hubcaps sitting on the side of the road.
Mike Lavigne, who commutes on the Highway daily, said he first noticed damage to the road in December. But now, he said the situation is unacceptable.
Lavigne said he saw a large piece of concrete come out of the road earlier this week.
"It bounced probably about a couple of feet in the air," he said. "It was about 12 inches in diameter and landed in the roadway. It was quite concerning. I haven’t seen it to that extent before."
Lavigne reported the problem to the RCMP. There are now pylons marking the damaged areas. But he said people need to speak up to make sure it’s fixed properly.
"I figured I should take some action and make people aware of it," he said. He said he’s concerned someone will be seriously injured.
Lavigne said he always drives in the passing lane now, to avoid the worst of the problems.
The department of transportation says the potholes on the bridge will be fixed on Friday, The province also has that section of the road on its priority list for a long-term fix.