Hollis Street bike lane proposal faces little opposition
50 parking spots will be lost when bike lane installed

The plan to put a bike lane on one of Halifax's busiest streets this summer appears to be going ahead without much opposition.
The bike lane will result in the loss of about 50 parking spots, and the relocation of some accessible parking spaces and taxi and loading zones.
"That'll be awesome because it's hard biking with the big trucks and all the cars," said cyclist Nick Hubley. "You have to be on the sidewalk most of the time."
Tractor-trailers are a common sight on Hollis Street because many of the trucks are bound for the port.

The bike lane will run on the right (west) side of the street from just south of Cogswell Street to South Street.
The city councillor for the area, Waye Mason, bikes on Hollis Street. He thinks a bike lane in a high-traffic area will work.
"Some of the busiest streets in Canada, in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver all have bike lanes on them because where the cars want to go is where the bikes want to go," said Mason.
But Sarah Craig, founder of bike rental company I Heart Bikes, said she would prefer the bike lane be one block up.
"It's about moving people where they want to go and Barrington Street is much more of a destination than Hollis [Street]," she said.
The city has scheduled two meetings for Thursday to hear from anyone who has suggestions or concerns regarding the new bike lane.