Victoria General hospital flood emails reveal quick, co-ordinated response
Emails confirm dire state of hospital's infrastructure, and ongoing risk that another flood may occur

Internal emails show hospital officials responded within minutes of a major flood at the Victoria General site of the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre four months ago.
The emails, obtained by CBC News through a freedom of information request, show a co-ordinated response to move patients and equipment, shut off the hospital's water supply and begin repairs as quickly as possible.
"We have had a major flood at the VG," wrote Janet Knox, president and CEO of the Nova Scotia Health Authority at 10:44 p.m. the night of the flood.
"Three floors affected. Twenty-four patients relocated. A potential that 25 more may need to be relocated. Team on site managing the situation."
The emails also confirm the dire state of the hospital's infrastructure, and ongoing risk that another flood may occur.
"Flood caused by corroded plug in a pipe in a pipe in a fifth floor ceiling," one email said.
The following are email excerpts from the first few hours of the September flood response:
(NOTE: "Code Green" is an emergency evacuation.)
Sept. 24, 2015
8:29 p.m.
"Please be advised security is currently responding to a code green for the centennial building. Patients from 5A and 3A are being evacuated"
9:19 p.m.
"Major flood. More to follow. EOC [Emergency Operations Centre] activated."
10:32 p.m.
"Lindsay will send a note to ELT [Executive Leadership Team] for info. Team from central on site. Major flood. Patients all attended to."
10:44 p.m.
"Steve. We have had a major flood at the VG [Victoria General]. Three floors affected. 24 patients relocated. A potential that 25 more may need to be relocated. Team on site managing the situation. Lots of media. Unfortunate and challenging situation. Focus now is safety of patients family and staff."
10:48 p.m.
"As some of your may have heard, we experienced a flood this evening impacting the 5th, 4th and 3rd floors of the VG site ... primarily the A side of the building. Catherine and Paula are on site and have indicated that the damage is quite extensive. A Code Green was called and an EOC established.
While the water has been turned off, the flow of water has not yet stopped and is being monitored. At this point, 24 patients have been relocated within the building to drier units (including 7 ICU patients). There is one unity on the B side of the building that is at risk for flooding due to water flow from higher floors...plans are being developed for the possible discharge/relocation of these individuals.
Surgery at the VG site for tomorrow has been cancelled. Bed capacity within Central Zone is being reviewed. Clean up crews are on site as are many of the leadership and physician teams.
At this point the team feels that they are able to manage within the resources of the Central Zone. Janet asked that I share this update with you so that you are aware should circumstances change and so that you are not caught off guard by media tomorrow."
11:42 p.m.
"Hi there. Water has been stopped now but means all water to VG site is off. Damaged pipe is located and being repaired (expected within 30 mins) and water can then be turned back on. ICU [Intensive Care Unit] patients have been moved to HI [Halifax Infirmary]. Need a decision soon about HI ORs [Halifax Infirmary operating rooms]."
11:53 p.m.
"Do you mean VG ORs"
Sept. 25, 2015
12:15 a.m.
"No. HI ORs because we've used all ICU capacity and because we will need to move patients tomorrow out of other VG rooms. EOC tomorrow AM at 7AM.
Will brief again shortly." [emails continue overnight]
5:39 p.m.
"Flood caused by corroded plug in a pipe in a pipe in a fifth floor ceiling. No way of knowing if we have any more of these types of plugs (i.e., steel instead of brass plug used during renovations)."
Another leak in December
Following the September flood, there was another water leak in December. That incident forced the evacuation of the hospital's ophthalmology department.
For years, politicians have mulled plans to replace the ageing Centennial Building at the Victoria General site.
In 2011, the government published a request for proposals for the planning and design phase. However, little progress has since been made towards replacing the facility.
Nova Scotia's health minister said a plan to replace the Victoria General's Centennial Building in Halifax will be announced in the new year.