Housing agency front-runner for Bloomfield development

Halifax regional staffs are recommending that a provincial housing agency be awarded the task of redeveloping the Bloomfield site in the city's north end.
The property, just over one hectare in land, hosts three buildings — two of which have historical value.
The city put out a request for proposals in June. There were eight responders, but planners only evaluated three of them.
The Nova Scotia Housing Development Corporation has received the highest marks among those bidding to do the work.
It's promising to restore the historic buildings, use the highest environmental standards for construction and ensure that 40 per cent of the 478 units are designated affordable housing.
"[It's] really interesting to see the level of commitment to affordable housing that's in the development, but also with the revitalizing and restoring of the historic building there and also the emphasis on LEED gold rating," said Coun. Jennifer Watts, who represents Peninsula-North.
"I would hope, and they certainly have seemed to have signaled, that the community group Imagine Bloomfield, which has really done amazing work within that community for a number of years, that they will have a key role in [the] project. I hope that the province, through the housing corporation will be able to clearly articulate what that key role will be."
Halifax's council will decide on Tuesday if the housing corporation should be awarded the development.