IWK gets $750k for suicide prevention program

The Royal Bank is donating $750,000 to the IWK Health Centre, the second major donation in less than a week for the children's hospital.
The money will help introduce a new treatment program to prevent youth suicide.
Jacob Hamilton, 18, has been a mental health patient at the IWK for the past few years.
He said he attempted suicide three times, but is now getting help.
"Think about it like you're in so much pain, and you don't know how to make it stop. You feel like you're putting everybody else through that pain with you, and you just can't make it stop, you don't know how," said Hamilton.
He said he hopes others will benefit from the new program, which will use medication and behaviour therapy.
Last week, a family from Ontario made the largest private donation in the 103-year history of the IWK Health Centre.
Myron and Berna Garron donated $10 million dollars to the mental health unit, the neonatal intensive care unit and the women's health facilities.