Lunenburg woman reflects on more than a century of Halloweens
Joy Saunders celebrated her 102nd birthday on Saturday
She has lived through more than 100 Halloweens in her lifetime but Joy Saunders always looks forward to the next one.
The Lunenburg resident, who made news in September when she walked 102 laps around the town for charity, celebrated her 102nd birthday Saturday.
But Saunders said Halloween has always taken precedence over her birthday and that's fine with her.
"Halloween is not an easy time to have a birthday because you have to be at the door for the little goblins when they come," she told CBC's Information Morning on Friday. "So it upsets any plans you have.
"I have no complaints. It'll be lovely."
Despite aches and pains that remind her of her age, she said there are advantages when it comes to choosing a Halloween costume.
"Oh, no, I don't have to dress up," she said. " I'm a bit weird anyway, so I just look at me and think, 'Oh my God, is she still alive?'"
She was born during the 1918 flu pandemic but doesn't remember it.
She recalls Halloweens in the past and how cavalier people were about potential germs in light of current pandemic precautions.
"In those days, they were awful. Nothing was wrapped up," she said.
"You know, they had licorice balls and things. Nobody worried about germs or anything then."

She's saddened that the COVID-19 pandemic will affect young people's ability to enjoy life and take advantage of their university years.
She said age brings perspective on the really important things in life.
Breaking several bones in a fall earlier this year hasn't affected her outlook. She said she had "a good glass of wine" and pretended it didn't happen.
With files from Information Morning