HRM plans to repeat summer weed removal on 2 Dartmouth lakes
HRM hired a private contractor to deal with the weed problem on Lake Banook and Lake Micmac in 2015

Work crews hauled 37,000 kilograms of weeds out of two Dartmouth lakes last summer, the city government said on Thursday.
The problematic pestersom plants have plagued Lake Bannok and Lake Micmac since 2009. By 2010, the weeds had become so thick they interfered with swimming, paddling and kayaking.
Last summer, the Halifax Regional Municipality hired a private contractor, Natural Ocean Products Inc. to clean up the lakes.
The mechanical weed harvesting focused on five problem areas, including the northern section of Lake Micmac, the cove surrounding Grahams Grove Park and the southwestern corner near Banook Canoe Club and the North Star Rowing Club.
The operation took eight days in late August, according to a report HRM released Thursday. Natural Ocean Products said it took all of the weeds out of the lakes, meaning they didn't end up causing problems for fish or the floor of the lakes.
Last year, HRM budgeted $210,000 for weed removal in the two lakes and plans to repeat the operation this summer.
HRM will likely issue a new tender for weed-harvesting services soon.
The city says the harvesting service will be integrated with monitoring services, so the municipality can better track the long-term effects of weed removal.