Lawn tractor operator charged with impaired driving
Vehicle was spotted driving on the road in Eastern Passage, slowing down traffic

There's still barely a blade of green grass to be spotted in the Halifax Regional Municipality, but two men decided to take a lawn tractor out for a spin on Saturday anyway.
Their adventure attracted attention for reasons other than being out of season, however. The operator was driving the one-seat machine on Cow Bay Road, in Eastern Passage, N.S.
The slow-moving machine created a line of traffic behind it, setting off at least one call to police, according to an RCMP news release Tuesday.
An RCMP officer stopped the vehicle at 4:25 p.m. on Saturday and conducted a breathalyzer test on the operator. The driver was found to be over the legal limit, according to police.
The man, who is 55, is facing charges of impaired operation of a conveyance and operating a conveyance with a blood-alcohol level over .08.