Lemonade, Tang drink crystals recalled over possible glass contamination
Recall affects 2 Kraft Heinz Canada products

Kraft Heinz Canada is recalling two drink mix products from shelves.
According to a food recall warning from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency on Friday, Country Time's Original Lemonade Fruit Juice Substitute Drink Mix and Tang's Orange Flavour Crystals are being recalled due to the possible presence of glass.
The products have been sold nationally and online.
Anyone with these products is asked to check the relevant UPC codes online. The best-before dates include before Sept. 15 for the lemonade, and before Aug. 20 and 21 for the orange drink.
People should not consume the recalled products. The products should be thrown out or returned to wherever they were purchased.
The food inspection agency is conducting an investigation that could lead to the recall of other products.