Loretta Saunders homicide: Witnesses testify on admissibility of evidence
Victoria Henneberry and Blake Leggette accused of first-degree murder

Witnesses testified Tuesday to determine the admissibility of evidence in the trial of two people charged in the death of Loretta Saunders.
A pre-trial hearing resumed in Nova Scotia Supreme Court in Halifax in the case of Blake Leggette and Victoria Henneberry, both of whom are charged with first-degree murder.
All of the pre-trial evidence being heard before Judge Josh Arnold is banned from publication.
Lawyers have made their arguments on a motion by Henneberry's lawyer to have the two accused tried separately, with Leggette's lawyer supporting the motion and the Crown opposing it.
Arnold has said he will attempt to rule on the evidence matter and the motion to try the two separately as quickly as his schedule allows.
Their four-week jury trial is scheduled to begin on April 20.
The 26-year-old Saunders was found dead in a wooded area off the Trans-Canada Highway in New Brunswick two weeks after she disappeared from her Halifax apartment a year ago.