Man charged with break-in and sexual assault to be tried in 2020
Sem Paul Obed, 47, has history of violence

A man with a long history of violence who is accused of a sexual assault in central Halifax this past summer will go to trial in January 2020.
Sem Paul Obed, 47, was arrested and charged after a man broke into a residence on Cunard Street and sexually assaulted a woman there on June 1.
Obed is charged with aggravated sexual assault, choking to overcome resistance, uttering threats, breaking and entering, and two counts of breaching court orders.
Obed is considered a high-risk offender with a history of violent attacks. He's been in jail since his arrest just hours after the alleged incident.
He appeared by videolink in Nova Scotia Supreme Court Thursday morning to set dates for his trial. It will begin Jan. 27, 2020, and run for 15 days.
Because of his past history and the high-profile nature of the case, prospective jurors will be questioned about their views on both the case and the accused.