Man who fled Nova Scotia after 2021 homicide arrested in Montreal
Valdo (C.J.) Pauyo, 29, is accused of second-degree murder of Burt Knockwood

A man who fled Nova Scotia after a 2021 homicide will now answer to the charge of second-degree murder after being located in Montreal.
Valdo (C.J.) Pauyo, 29, is accused of murdering 42-year-old Bert Knockwood, who was found dead in a Millbrook, N.S., home on July 12, 2021.
After Knockwood's death, Pauyo fled Nova Scotia. He was charged with second-degree murder, and a Canada-wide warrant for his arrest was issued in December 2021.
At that time, a charge against another individual accused of being an accessory after the fact to murder was withdrawn by the Crown because they felt there was no realistic prospect of conviction.

In a news release issued Tuesday, RCMP said Pauyo was recently added to a national most-wanted list called the BOLO Program, which led to a tip about a possible sighting in the Montreal area.
Pauyo was arrested in Montreal on April 26 by local police and Nova Scotia RCMP.
He flew back to Nova Scotia a day later and will appear in Truro Supreme Court on May 7.