More resources needed for classrooms, 95% of teachers say
N.S. Teachers Union president not surprised

A survey conducted for the Canadian Teachers' Federation shows 95 per cent of those questioned do not feel they have enough time to meet the requirements of their students.
More than 8,000 teachers were surveyed over the winter.
The results have been released at a national meeting this week in Summerside, P.E.I.
Shelley Morse, president of the Nova Scotia Teachers Union, said she's not surprised there's a national request for more money and resources to help teachers deal with classes.
"Years ago, when the inclusion policy was introduced, it was a wonderful concept but it has never been fully funded and that's where a lot of the issues arise from," she said.
"We don't have the proper materials and the funding is not there for the human resources that we need."
Dianne Woloschuk, head of the Canadian Teachers' Federation, said teachers are making increased sacrifices with their personal time to meet the needs of students.
"We find that what's happening is that teachers are sacrificing their own personal lives in order to be able to meet the needs of the children," she said.
Gilles Arsenault, president of the P.E.I. Teachers' Federation, said workload is an issue for Island teachers too. He said 115 teachers from Prince Edward Island took part in the survey.
"What we've seen today at the national level is very reflective of what is happening at our level as well," he said.
Morse warns the situation will not improve unless there's more money.
"It's going to impact student learning, certainly, and that's not what teachers want. Teachers want students to learn and be well rounded and with the lack of resources we're dealing with — nationwide — that is hindering student progress," she said.
In the survey, 91 per cent of respondents cited class composition as another source of stress.
The survey recommends reducing class size and improving support for children with special educational needs among its five recommendations.