N.S. lobster season delayed in one fishing area, but goes ahead in another
Opening of season in Lobster Fishing Area 34 delayed due to high winds

Nova Scotia's weather forecast has prompted a staggered start to Dumping Day — the launch of Canada's largest and most lucrative lobster fishery.
The federal Fisheries Department says fishers in Lobster Fishing Area 33 on the province's South Shore can go ahead with dumping their traps this morning.
But the department says the opening of the fall season in Lobster Fishing Area 34 along the southwestern coast is delayed due to high winds.
A spokesman for the department says if the forecast calls for winds in excess of 26 knots, or roughly 48 km/h, the opening is automatically delayed.
Lex Brukovskiy, president of the Maritime Fishermen's Union Local 9, says the next possible day they can dump their gear will be Wednesday.
He says it's not unusual for the start of the season to be postponed.