Amherst surgeon's licence suspended over relationship with patient
Dr. Najeeb Kadir's 18-month suspension retroactive to September 2019

A surgeon in Amherst, N.S., has had his licence to practice medicine suspended for 18 months after he admitted to having a sexual relationship with a patient.
Dr. Najeeb Kadir's suspension expires in March because the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia determined that it began in September 2019 when he first removed himself from practice because of the relationship.
He was found guilty of professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming as part of a settlement agreement he reached with the college, according to a notice published on the college's website last month.
But before Kadir can resume his practice he must take a course on professional boundaries and reimburse the college $30,000 for the costs it incurred in his case.
Kadir has been licensed to practice in Nova Scotia since 2005.