Nova Scotia banning flavoured tobacco products
The legislation will take effect May 31

The province is once again introducing legislation to ban flavoured tobacco products in Nova Scotia.
The ban will include menthol, flavoured rolling papers and flavoured tobacco products that are not smoked, such as chewing tobacco and snuff.
There are some exemptions from the legislation. Port, rum, wine and whisky-flavoured cigars that weigh five grams or more and cost more than $4, as well e-cigarettes and e-juice are excluded.
The province is leaving regulation of e-cigarettes and e-juice up to the federal government.
The legislation will take effect May 31, which is the same time as last fall's legislation that prohibits the use of e-cigarettes and waterpipes in indoor public places, bans the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, and restricts display and promotion in stores where minors are allowed.
The Canadian Cancer Society is happy about the legislation.
"We're extremely pleased with this piece of legislation. Certainly the inclusion of menthol and the very-timely implementation date of May 31 makes this the most progressive legislation in Canada," said spokesperson Kelly Cull.
However, she hopes the province doesn't water down the legislation like it did last fall when it ran into opposition.
In November 2014 the province dropped its proposal to prohibit flavoured juice and tobacco.