Nova Scotia recalls some flu vaccines after 3 'adverse events' in New Brunswick
Symptoms appeared within a week of receiving the Flulaval Tetra vaccine from lot number KX9F7

Nova Scotia health officials are asking flu shot providers in the province to stop using a particular vaccine lot connected to adverse effects in three adults in New Brunswick.
They received the vaccine between Oct. 2 and Oct. 20 and experienced events that were "neurological in nature," according to a news release from New Brunswick Public Health on Saturday.
The source of the health complications remains under investigation and it has not been determined if the vaccine was the cause.
Symptoms appeared within a week of receiving the Flulaval Tetra vaccine from lot number KX9F7, a Glaxo SmithKline product.
As a result, public health officials in New Brunswick withdrew the remaining doses from the batch.
Nova Scotia is now following suit. As a precaution, providers in the province are being advised to stop using the specific lot number until further notice, according to a news release from the Department of Health and Wellness on Monday.
The province initially received 120,000 doses of this specific lot in September before distributing it to providers, the release said.
Public Health is still strongly encouraging all Nova Scotians to get their annual flu shot, adding that it remains a safe and effective way to protect yourself from the flu.
There have been no reports of adverse events related to this lot number in Nova Scotia, or in any other province in Canada.
Health Canada is conducting a full review of the situation.