Nova Scotia weather brings some sunshine Thursday
It's going to be mostly sunny in the western part of the province but cloudy with possible showers in the east.
Near normal temperatures for this time of year expected today

It's going to be mostly sunny in the western part of the province but cloudy with possible showers in the east.
Near normal temperatures for this time of year are expected.
Central mainland (including greater Halifax)
Forecast: A mix of sun and cloud with the chance of a shower.
High temperature: 16 C
Low temperature: 10 C
Northern Nova Scotia
Forecast: Cloudy and cool with scattered showers.
High temperature: 10 C
Low temperature: 6 C
Southwestern Nova Scotia
Forecast: Mainly sunny.
High temperature: 20 C
Low temperature: 8 C
Annapolis Valley and Cumberland County
Forecast: A mix of sun and cloud and a chance of showers.
High temperature: 18 C
Low temperature: 10 C
Cape Breton
Forecast: Cloudy and cool with scattered showers.
High temperature: 12 C
Low temperature: 6 C