NSLC to sell 'value' pot at around $6 a gram, but 'premium' will cost you more
The Crown corporation has released its price list for cannabis

The Nova Scotia Liquor Corp. has come up with three price categories for cannabis: Value, Core and Premium, with prices that range from $6.33 a gram to $15.
NSLC spokesperson Beverly Ware said the minimum price was set, in part, based on the current street value.
"We looked at the current illicit market prices of course," she said. "It's not our intention to match these illicit market prices because there is an additional cost to ensure we have a safe and secure supply but we are constantly monitoring that and reviewing our prices."
Ware said THC levels will range from two percent to a high of 24 percent.
Recreational cannabis goes on sale starting Wednesday at 10 a.m. Although the online store will be live starting at 6 a.m., customers will need an access code to place an order and those will only be available in-store when they open.
The NSLC currently has 52 strains of cannabis in its inventory.
There is currently a national supply shortage of cannabis, but the Crown corporation said it has stockpiled enough product to last about three weeks. It hopes to bring in extra inventory before its supply runs out.
Pre-rolled joints and loose-leaf cannabis will be for sale, and all of it will come pre-packed in a plastic container and will be handed to customers in a sealed bag.
Under federal law, customers are not allowed to handle cannabis themselves.