Donor pledges $3M for outdoor pool in Region of Queens Municipality
Aquatic society has been pushing for new pool facilities for 10 years, but council isn't ready to commit

A donor has come forward with $3 million for an outdoor pool in the Region of Queens Municipality in exchange for naming rights — and only if the municipality commits to the project as soon as possible.
The Queens Community Aquatic Society, a non-profit group, has spent the last decade pushing for new pool facilities and is encouraging council to move ahead immediately with the project.
Celeste Johnson, the group's president, made a presentation to council Tuesday outlining the details of the proposal.
She said the pool would include a ramp and rails, as well as a liquid pool cover to keep the heat in. It would be heated with solar panels.
According to the group, the donor wishes to remain anonymous at this time.
Project will be discussed at future meeting
Mayor Darlene Norman said council would need to carefully consider the project.
"Everything comes with price tags and everything comes with time. We have to be very careful that this will never create a tax rate increase,'' said Norman.
The mayor pointed out the municipality is losing $1 million this year at Queens Place Emera Centre, a sports facility in Liverpool.
Councillors will talk about setting up a committee to look into the outdoor pool project at a future council meeting.
If the project goes ahead, Johnson suggested building the new pool close to Queens Place with the option of enclosing it in the future.
The aquatic society has offered to fundraise to help with operating costs, but Johnson admitted there could be challenges finding enough lifeguards.