Province issues tender for Peggys Cove upgrades
Parking lot, more compostable toilets, road improvements part of the plan

Peggys Cove is due for some upgrades and the province has issued a tender for the work.
The province is looking to add a gravel parking lot and more composting toilets at the visitor information centre. It wants the road through the village to be raised by a metre because of an anticipated rise in sea level.
It wants a minimum design service life of 80-100 years.
A new, crushed granite overflowing parking lot is being proposed. The size is to be determined by a consultant.
The lot would be accessible by Highway 333 and may require a left-turn lane. It will be closed off by a gate when it isn't in use.
"It will also be graded in a manner that it is set down approximately 2 metres into the landscape and located behind a ridge such that cars will not be visible in the lot either from the community or from Highway 333," the tender states.
Deadline for tender Dec. 10
An expansion of the existing composting toilet facility at the visitor information centre is also being proposed. The tender says the existing composting toilets have been around for 25 years and have "generally been considered a success."
A new public washroom with composting toilets is also being proposed for the Peggys Cove Common green space.
The proposal to raise a section of the Peggys Cove Road by a metre would be to "protect against projected sea level rise and storm surge over the next 100 years.
The tender was issued Nov. 22 and the deadline to submit questions is Dec. 3. The deadline for submissions is Dec. 10 at 2 p.m.