Meet the N.S. Mountie who saved a pregnant goat from a black bear
A hobby farmer himself, Const. Matt Doane is no stranger to animal calls

While some police officers might be fazed by a report involving a black bear and a pregnant goat, this wasn't Const. Matt Doane's first rodeo.
With most of his career spent in Alberta, the recent addition to the Bible Hill RCMP was used to moving cows from the road. Once, he tracked down a herd of missing horses by following their droppings.
So he was clearly the Mountie to send when word came in of a goat in trouble in Harmony, N.S.
"The gentleman down there had called in and said he had a black bear on his yard and it was chasing around a goat," Doane said of the incident Sunday. "So I went down there and he said the bear ran off into the woods, but he said it was trying to eat the goat and he had nowhere to keep it [safe]."

The goat's immediate saviour had tied her to his porch. But he didn't know where she had come from and didn't know what to do with her.
"I've got a farm here, so I said, 'Well, she can come stay the night with me and we'll try to figure out who the owner is,'" Doane said. "So we came and got it and gave it an escort to my farm in a police car."
Although the wee goat tried ramming the officers who first arrived, Doane said Marcy settled down when he picked her up.
A happy ending
But she was happiest when reunited with her owners.
No one's quite sure how the goat escaped — whether she let herself out or the bear did — but Doane said he's glad to be part of a story with a happy ending.
"We need that in Nova Scotia right now," he said.