Red Cross urges hurricane preparation

The Canadian Red Cross is asking people to prepare emergency kits as Hurricane Leslie churns in the Atlantic.
The storm is moving slowly and is now looking less likely to hit Nova Scotia, but Ancel Langille of the Red Cross says people should take this opportunity to get ready.
"We've got a few storms that could be knocking on our door in the next few months," he said. "Our key message is for people to be personally prepared for 72 hours for any time of the year, but particularly now in hurricane season."
Langille said people learned valuable lessons when Hurricane Juan hit Nova Scotia in September 2003.
"When we lost power at bank machines and things like that, people didn't have cash to go into corner stores that may have had power to get supplies that they needed."
Langille said the 72 hour benchmark is to allow emergency officials time to restore services.
"We don't want people clogging the streets, going out and getting the supplies that they need when emergency officials and vehicles are on the road trying to help those that really, really need it," he said.
Langille is urging people to include the following items in an emergency kit:
- water
- cash
- wind up or battery powered flash light
- radio
- first aid kit
- medication
Hurricane Leslie's track has shifted east and forecasters believe it will shift again before it nears Canadian waters early next week.