Warden of Richmond County resigns as dispute with councillors grows
MacLean says he can do more for the county as a councillor

Jason MacLean resigned as the warden for Richmond County at a committee of the whole meeting Monday night.
He's refused to do an interview with CBC News about his resignation but he did release an email outlining some of his reasons.
In that email MacLean said that three people have hijacked council and it is struggling to function effectively.
The three councillors, Brian Marchand, Gilbert Boucher and Alvin Martell, voted to fire chief administrative officer Kent MacInture last week. They also asked an interim replacement to step in without informing the warden.
MacLean said he has been repeatedly blindsided by rogue motions and kept in the dark about important matters.
Logical processes have been replaced by unorthodox approaches, embarrassing circumstances and an obsession to exert power, he said.
MacLean will continue serving as councillor for district 5 in the Municipality of the County of Richmond, because he said he will be better able to speak freely and debate issues as a councillor, rather than as warden.
As a warden MacLean said he is the spokesperson for the municipality, but could not continue in that role because he has absolutely no insight on the intentions of council, nor does he support many of council's recent decisions including their dismissal of the chief administrative officer.