Segway use on Nova Scotia streets approved for pilot project
Can't go faster than 20 kilometres an hour

A new pilot project in Nova Scotia will test and evaluate Segway use on the province's streets and sidewalks.
The Transportation Department says people who own or lease at least three of the two-wheeled electric devices will be able to apply to participate.
Participants will have to ensure helmet use, while drivers will have to be a minimum age of 16 — they can be 14 with a guardian's consent.
Segways will also not be allowed to operate at speeds faster than 20 kilometres an hour or travel on roads with a speed limit higher than 60 kilometres an hour.
The pilot will conclude in January 2016 when the Transportation Department will determine if amendments will be made to the Motor Vehicle Act to permanently allow Segway use in the province.
Segways are not currently allowed on public roads in Nova Scotia.